Teaching AG Molecular Microbiology

Office hours
By appointment only Office hours Philippstr. 13 (Rhoda-Erdmann-Haus = Haus 22), room 1104 (how to find us)

Study projects / project module
Limited availability and by appointment only Studienprojekt/Projektmodul Students interested in a Studienprojekt/Projektmodul, contact Marc Erhardt with a brief statement of interest.

Lectures (Summer semester 2022)
Tuesday, 10 - 12h Modul Bio19 - Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie online lectures
Tuesday, 17-19h + Thursday, 8 - 10h Module Bio09/Bioph13 - Mikrobiologie Hörsaal 20 / online lectures
Monday, 10 - 12h Module QMB6 - Molecular Microbiology REH, Seminar room 1023

Seminars and practical courses (Summer semester 2022)
May 1 - September 30, 2022 Mikrobiologische Übungen Modul Bio19 - Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie Philippstr. 13, Haus 20
July 25-29, 2022 Practical course module QMB6 - Molecular Microbiology Philippstr. 13, Haus 9

Lectures (Winter semester 2020/2021)
Monday, 10 - 12h Modul BioXY08 - Grundlagen der bakteriellen Genetik und Zellphysiologie online lectures
Monday, 16 - 18h Modul MB-A55 - Advanced bacterial genetics and physiology online lectures
Tuesday, 10 - 12h Modul B4a - Einführung in die Biologie, Grundschulbachelor online lectures

Seminars and practical courses (Winter semester 2020/2021)
Friday, 9 - 11h Seminar Current topics in bacterial genetics and physiology online seminar
block course, tbd Oberseminar Modul BioXY08 - Grundlagen der bakteriellen Genetik und Zellphysiologie online seminar
02.03.2021 - 12.03.2021 Übungen Modul BioXY08 - Grundlagen der bakteriellen Genetik und Zellphysiologie Philippstr. 13, Haus 9
block course, tbd Oberseminar Modul MB-A55 - Advanced bacterial genetics and physiology online seminar
16.03.2021 - 26.03.2021 Practical course Modul MB-A55 - Advanced bacterial genetics and physiology Philippstr. 13, Haus 9